
One Sketch at a Time

A few months ago, I decided that I would start sharing more of my art work. Sketches, works in progress, good, bad, I am sharing it all. I am at a place in my life where I have many obligations. In order to fit art into my life-which more often than not it is in the form of sketching-it must be accessible. This is why I have decided to invest in a new sketch book, scraps of paper will no longer do! 

sketch book
My sketching seems to serve different functions, much the same way writing does. Sometimes it acts as a quick note to someone, or expresses an emotion that am feeling. For example, the sketch below, was done on an envelope. I sent it in the form of a text, to a friend who has a fairly new baby (two months to be exact). I did this in order to show my solidarity support, i.e. it looked like she was in for a long night.

night time
When I really think about it though, there are always obligations, the scenery and people may have changed, but I still have to practice time management no matter what stage I am in my life. I think what is really happening though, is that I am both reclaiming my art practice as a mother, and becoming aware of the new way in which I practice art.  Seeing it reflected back to me in the growing number of sketches, somehow solidifies that this is not merely an “in between” but rather a new way of practicing art.

simple sketch

Prior to motherhood, I always viewed my sketching/sketch book as a draft or an annex.  Now though, I consider my sketches (within the scope of my practice) as complete. Some of these pieces may evolve, but most will stay as is.  And even though I am not exactly sure where all these sketches are going, I am at least moving forward, one sketch at a time.

normalize breastfeeding


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